Trio Ensemble - Schoolscapes US
Trio Ensemble - Schoolscapes US
Trio Ensemble - Schoolscapes US
Trio Ensemble - Schoolscapes US

Trio Ensemble

Product description

This popular ensemble is an impressive and striking trio of seven tall Tubular Bells, our ever popular Large Babel Drum and the anchor of rhythm, the colorful Rainbow Sambas

With a variety of pitch, range and tonal character, everyone is sure to have their favorite.

Product Highlights

  • Pentatonic Tuning - No Wrong Notes!
  • Suitable for ADA Accessible Projects/Parks
  • Suitable for Inclusive Playgrounds
  • Colorful and visually exciting
    About Schoolscapes

    Schoolscapes are designers and manufacturers of playground equipment, outdoor musical instruments and outdoor amenities.

    These products are used in schools worldwide and also serve the needs of children in Libraries, Museums, Parks and other outdoor spaces. Increasingly the leisure and hospitality industries are recognizing the value of providing play spaces for children.

    Schoolscapes experienced staff are always available to answer your questions. For more information, contact email