Music Book (Four Music Sheets/8 Songs) - Schoolscapes US
Music Book (Four Music Sheets/8 Songs) - Schoolscapes US
Music Book (Four Music Sheets/8 Songs) - Schoolscapes US

Music Book (Four Music Sheets/8 Songs)

Product description

We created these Music Books to accompany our Capella and Cavatina resonated outdoor xylophones. The bright, colorful anodized notes on the instruments correspond with the colored notes on the high-pressure laminated music sheets and enable players to simply follow the colors to play a well-known song.

Customers can create music books to suit their own taste and select the tunes they want to learn and play with friends and family. A great way to start learning to read music with a host of family favorite tunes.

Use the table below to select your pages. Please note each page has two sides, and songs are not interchangeable.

Page Number (Includes Side A & B)

Side A

Side B

Page 1

Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring

Ode To Joy

Page 2

Old MacDonald Had A Farm

Twinkle Twinkle

Page 3

Oh! Susanna

She'll Be Comin' Round The Mountain

Page 4

Frere Jacques

Row, Row, Row Your Boat

Page 5

Amazing Grace

When The Saints Go Marching In

Page 6

Swing Low, Sweet Chariot

Yankee Doodle

Page 7

He's Got the Whole World

Kum Ba Yah

Page 8

Itsy Bitsy Spider

It’s Raining, It's Pouring

Page 9

Skye Boat Song

My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean


About Schoolscapes

Schoolscapes are designers and manufacturers of playground equipment, outdoor musical instruments and outdoor amenities.

These products are used in schools worldwide and also serve the needs of children in Libraries, Museums, Parks and other outdoor spaces. Increasingly the leisure and hospitality industries are recognizing the value of providing play spaces for children.

Schoolscapes experienced staff are always available to answer your questions. For more information, contact email